Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I've Been Tagged....

So I don't usually follow through with these, but this was from my best friend Sarah. And well, I thought it was cute.

Ten Years Ago...I was in my sophomore year of high school (wow, ten years ago!). I was probably planning on what to wear for our small Christian School's Prom. The school was so small we didn't have a Senior Prom it was an "all high school prom." Though only about 50 people were there! I went that year solo, guess there weren't any real "winners" to choose from. I was also very involved with volleyball and basketball, and after sophomore year I was determined to improve my ball handling skills (that's about all you can be great at in basketball if you are 5'2"). So I went to several basketball camps that summer. Lots of fun.

Things on my to-do list today:
Well, seeing as it is the evening...I hope I don't have much more. But 1) Go to a drug rep dinner on diagnosing and treating Bipolar 2) Finish the laundry 3) Go to sleep for work tomorrow

What would I do if I became loaded:
1) Tithe the gross amount and donate to missions, charities, George Fox
2) Pay off all our debt
3) Save money for when we could buy a house
4) Invest and Save

Three of my bad habits:
1) Crunching Ice
2) I'm an organizer in "piles." It use to drive my sister nuts when we shared a room. I organize things in piles then when the pile is stacked up I put them away. I'm still working on the sign Maryanne hung in the room, "After using, put it away." I tend to wait until several things need to be "put away."
3) I tend to "stare" at people and things when I'm in public because I like to watch people.

Five jobs I've had:
1. Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Scooper
2. Video Store Clerk
3. Detailing and Cleaning Homes after completion and construction before the new home went on the market.
4. Mail room packer at a non-profit organization
5. Biology Lab Teaching Assistant

Five things people don't know about me: Hmm....These are also hard for me to think of, but here goes...
1. I got bit on the lip by my dog when I was about 9-10 years old (ok, some know that, but not all). All I remember is sitting in the doctors office and several nurses kept coming in the room asking to look at the bite. They probably were doing more like taking my vital signs, but all I remember was "quit asking me to show you all right! It hurts!"
2. I don't really like to cook, I'd rather bake and make bread or sweet stuff. I've been trying to be the wife that makes dinner, but I'm not very original. Tobin can out cook me any day! I just follow exact instructions on a recipe.
3. I love getting the mail it's like one of the best parts of the day because you might get something fun and special from someone. But I'm learning as you grow older the mail starts being more junk and less fun. Oh well, it still is exciting to see what's inside when you open the box!
4. I have never broken a bone in my body and I have no cavities! Praise the Lord!
5. I love living in climates where there are all four seasons, because I love variety. I never can make decisions well, so even where I love to live reflects my character. Always, something different and exciting.

I tag whoever wants to do this obligation.

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