Saturday, April 19, 2008

"All Weather" Day

Here is what we did today:

1. I got up and decided I'd run the 3.5 miles to the tanning salon I've been going to so I'm not stark white for Shannon's Wedding

2. Tobin met me after I finished (with a car) and then we went and bought a bike lock.

3. Saw a random sign that there was a blood drive going on at the Red Cross Today. So we decided...we'll give blood! So Tobin and I successfully donated 1 unit of blood each. The staff there thought it was cute that the "couple" was donating together. =)

3. Then we left on a 10 mile bike ride to the rock climbing gym in Medford. It was cool, but partly cloudy weather, a bit windy but thankfully we were going with the wind.

4. Climbed, bouldered, etc. We realized we are both SO WEAK!!! It's been too long, so we decided to get the month membership, so that'll hopefully get us back into climbing shape!

5. After climbing for a couple hours, we looked outside and what was the weather doing...SNOWING!!!! Yes, your eyes do not deceive you...It is nearly May and it's snowing in Medford!!! So thankfully Tobin and I had stuck in our rain jackets, so we weren't miserable. It was actually better to have snow than rain!

6. On our 10 mile ride home, about mile 5 Tobin's tire goes completely flat. But thankfully, I've married a very well prepared husband who has the extra inner tube in the backpack with the appropriate "bike rescue" gear. So I learned how to change a bike tire (good experience to have when I've now decided I'm going to start commuting to work since gas is going to soon be $4/gallon!).--Note while we were changing the tire it started snowing harder!

7. Made it home now, the sun actually was just coming out as we were finishing our ride. Our backs had "bike stripe" on them...all muddy! I wish we could have pictures when we were all covered in white, and then later brown, but you'll just have to use your imagination!

8. Have now enjoyed a yummy dinner, drinking lots of water, and enjoying an episode of Mythbusters before we crash into bed.

...We plan on more fun tomorrow, maybe more rock climbing!!!
Here's to more adventures together!

Here's how we feel about now...

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