Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sick Again...

I can't believe that something so tiny has taken a hold of me again! This time I think it must be a strong virus because I feel dreadfully awful and completely out of energy. I empathize with anyone and wish I could cure it, but hence I still cannot. And even the health providers get sick! This crazy virus has made my head feel like 40 pounds, and I think I've blown that much out in snot too! You would think my head would be empty, but my ears are still plugged and I only breath in a little air in my right nostril! Thankfully, I made it through most of the week until I really felt run down. Today, I'm sitting at home, watching a few movies and reading a book. Tobin is working at the hospital and my pathetic sick self can't even get up to go outside! I hate feeling this way because I usually am so active! Well, may I ask you to pray for me. Being sick though, sure has made me want to pray more for others that I know of that are suffering illness or dreadful diseases. My cold is really nothing, but it still doesn't mean I feel like doing much. Oh well, I hope to conquer that crazy virus that multiplies and uses my body as a host! And I hope to stay healthy after I get better from this virus!!!! I mean it's the first day of March, almost spring time! I shouldn't be sick. =)


  1. Hey Christy, I hope you start feeling better! I wanted to say hello and let you know I was thinking about you guys and hoping all is well in the Northwest. ;)

  2. umm, just the fact that you posted a pick of a virus... leaves me speechless! heheheeh I LOVE IT! There's nothing in this world like medical people! :)~
    miss ya guys!

  3. I'm so sorry you're sick again! NO FUN! :) We'll just pray for you to get better and stay healthy for the showers! :) I hope you get some rest and sunshine. Love you LOTS!!
