Sunday, March 29, 2009


Just to give you an update on Tobin's knee...good and bad news. Good news no ligament or meniscus was torn or injured (from what the MRI showed). But bad news means that there really isn't a cut and dry answer-which is honestly what medicine usually is. So right now, no surgery (unless we want to do an "exploratory" surgery, which doesn't sound like much fun). So right now Tobin is trying some osteopathic medicine and we'll see how that goes with time. Hopefully it's been feeling a bit better because he spent the last few days walking in an airport, going to Little Rock, and walking around in an Osteopathic Conference. He gets home tonight...YEAH!! To

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that there wasn't anything too crazy going on with his knee... Is he feeling better at all?
