Sunday, March 1, 2009

Doe, Rey, Me, Fa, So, La, Te, Doe

Yes, I'm singing once again. I've joined our church choir, and I really am enjoying using my musical side once again. This Sunday was the first Sunday I was actually not working and could make it to church and sing in the choir. We sang "God Shall Wipe Away All Tears." It went pretty well, I hope. =) So I'll be practicing with them every Wednesday evening. We're really practicing for Easter Sunday, right now, so that's a lot of fun. Anyways, it's nice for me to kind of plug in and meet a few people, and enjoy the gift of music God has given me (though I definitely still would never be a soloist, I can contribute to the choir as a whole)! No photos, but I sport a very stylish blue robe....well, I may not be in it for the attire, I am in it for the worship and praise we give to God with our voice. And that's what the choir is called, "With One Voice."

1 comment:

  1. Shoo girl, they should totally make you a soloist!! I wish that I could some how recruit you to come back to do the Easter choir here again. Miss you!
