On another note, my mom is here visiting for the weekend. Has been a good weekend to rest and get some random errands ran, etc. We also went to an Estate Sale...My mom and I are always game for a good deal! So I knew she'd enjoy going and seeing what treasures we might find. You never know what you're gonna get. For example, I found: 1) A blue pot (for all those plants I can't seem to keep alive). 2) A random collection of thread so I actually have some when I sew. 3) A Piccaso Replica Drawing, so I actually have some art on the walls. 4) The best find a hand-made wooden zoo train with removable wooden cages and wooden animals. I picked it up and this guy behind me says, "Ah, are you going to get that? That's definitely the coolest thing I've seen in here yet." So I had to get it, and it will be the perfect gift for my 2 yr old nephew Porter's Birthday! Anyways, fun things to be found. I try to be selective. Going to Estate Sales can be good therapy to avoid collecting too much stuff! My mom said, "I have no idea how they fit all that stuff in the house. My Dad (meaning my Grandpa) never had THAT much stuff (p.s. and he likes to "SAVE" stuff, if you know what I mean)!"
The last, but not least, random thing is: I still can't cook. This is a realization that I continually seem to come upon. And then I try not to let it get me down, decide to try a new recipe, and then some disaster hits again. If you had come by my house Saturday evening, you might have called 911 to get the fire department here. No joke! I had tried to roast a chicken in the oven. All the grease decided to spatter and spurt EVERYWHERE in the oven, thus creating billowing smoke everywhere! Then the chicken looked done, I even cut it open and the meat looked ok. So Mr Carver (my husband) came over and started cutting into it, and the meat wasn't done! So in Smokey Chicken back to the cooker. More and more smoke! We ate the rest of our dinner while the chicken finished cooking. I bemoaned that I should NEVER COOK AGAIN, because of how horrid I am! But we managed to laugh a bit about it (I think I'm doing more of that now than I was then), and enjoyed the chicken once it was finally done. Now you've learned a lesson...don't come over to my house when Christy is cooking. I'll keep trying though!